Medical Lab Equipment and Supplies
A medical lab or diagnostic laboratory is a scientific laboratory in which medical tests are performed on medical specimens for the purpose of obtaining information about a person’s health to aid in treatment, diagnosis, and preventative measures of illness. This may include everything from performing a DNA test to looking at the structure and function of the immune system to studying the brain’s fluid. The procedures used in these types of tests range widely in detail and importance. For example, a dna paternity testing can tell if a man is the father of a specific child, an HIV test can reveal if a person has contracted the virus that causes AIDS, and a test for sexually transmitted diseases can tell a woman if she is pregnant.
There are many different kinds of medical laboratories in use around the world today. Some are highly specialized like those at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. These kinds of labs generally perform both DNA and HIV tests on patients, as well as very specialized procedures like those used by trauma victims who have been burned. Other specialized services include those performed by medical technologists. Medical technologists are medical experts who perform all sorts of DNA and blood tests, tissue samples, and other items. They are highly trained professionals who often go on to train as nurses or physicians.
Another type of DNA lab is that at the FBI Laboratory in Washington, DC. This laboratory performs a variety of DNA tests from a variety of sources, such as saliva, blood, hair, or semen samples. These kinds of DNA tests can be used to determine paternity, establish identity, or to confirm a person’s age. These labs are also sometimes called DNA banks because the material they use to collect samples is so expensive that a lot of crime labs prefer to keep the samples themselves.
A pathology lab is a kind of medical laboratory that exclusively deals with autopsies and pathology, the study of death. Autopsies are the official documentation of an individual’s death, and a pathology lab can perform autopsies and release the body to relatives or place a full-body autopsy sample on an ID card. They may also conduct cadaver autopsies or release remains to forensic anthropologists for analysis.
There are many other speciality laboratories located throughout the United States. For example, there are forensic testing laboratories where DNA testing of various materials can be performed. Chemical analysis labs test substances for toxicity, purity, color, and gluten content. Other specialized facilities include allergy testing, blood testing, and testing of drugs in super contaminated lines.
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